Why Should Students Attempt 11 plus Mock Tests?

There are several reasons for attempting mock tests for students aiming to get into prestigious grammar schools and institutions. Here are some of the reasons why as a student you should attempt them: 1. It keeps you away from nervousness As per past experience, it is considered that the exam-like feeling before attempting the real exam keeps anxiety and apprehensions away. It enables students to remain calm and face challenges with a clear mind. This is attributed to the repeated Eleven plus mock exam practice. By attempting them you will come to know what to expect when you are in the real test. 2. Helps manage exam time efficiently It is important to manage the time allotted to each paper as it will help the examinee to solve all the questions. Efficiency will come only after you have attended several mock tests online. You will be above to answer questions fast and accurately and will even have time to revise your answers. 3. Breeds f...